High-quality printed marketing materials have become very important in branding your business when its pieces are uniform and well-designed, which makes it all work together. In many cases, these marketing materials are the first to make contact with your customers. If your marketing materials are lacking in appearance, this could communicate to your customers that your services and products are lower in quality. To avoid this, you need to know your business’ print marketing needs and we are here to help you identify the more well-known marketing materials.

Types of Marketing Materials

● Business Cards: By far the most popular and effective forms of printed materials. By providing one to a customer, you are telling them that you are ready for their business and allowing them to follow up with you at a later time for it.
● Brochures: Every business needs a brochure to inform customers about services and products that will benefit their customers. When a customer is not ready to spend, it is good to allow them to see what your company has to offer first.
● Mailers: This is a more effective way to reach out to customers geographically. Mailers are often designed with your contact information, services and product promotions, and a call to action. Knowing where to target is key.
● Catalogs: Catalogs highlight your most profitable services and products. Although they are not as popular as websites, they are more memorable and customers tend to keep them around longer as a reference.
● Magazine: A great leisure item that allows a customer to not only absorb information, but enjoy the imagery, stories, and products. It is perfect for handing out to loyal customers and allowing new customers to see what you are capable of.

At CPC Printing and Promotions, we provide catalog printing, magazine printing, flyers & brochures, and direct mailers for businesses throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and all regions of the United States. If you have any questions or need us to print any type of marketing materials, please contact us at 608.781.1050 or 800.658.903!